Welcome to Christ Church

Rev. Fred Hurst

This is your personal invitation to come and worship with us. We pray that our worship services impact your life and the lives of those around you.

What is worship? It is focusing on God, not on ourselves. It is something that begins with the heart and is expressed with actions. Therefore, it is important that we prepare our hearts for this special time. Because our worship brings God pleasure, it is to be done with sincerity from the heart, not out of duty and obligation. Let’s ask God to open our hearts to truly worship Him.

While we can worship God anywhere at any time, there is something special about gathering with other believers. As we worship corporately, we connect with God both individually and as a body. At Christ Church, we offer two opportunities to join our hearts together in worship each weekend by offering both traditional and contemporary worship services.

The vision of Christ Church of Middletown, Ohio is to “Impact the community for Christ”. Why? “Because Jesus did it for us!”. Our vision is put into action with random acts of kindness in both our “Reach Out” programs and the “Missions” that we support in our community and around the globe. It’s about having the attitude of loving God through loving people with the goal of making disciples for Christ and seeing all people come to experience the abundant life our loving Heavenly Father intended for his children.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,… teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20 (NKJV)