Local Mission



  • Christ Church feeds and houses the homeless for 2 weeks every winter as part of the Middletown area SHALOM program.
  • SHALOM is a network of local churches of various denominations that “share their bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into their houses” (Isaiah 58: 7).
  • Each week on a rotating basis, a church in the network provides meals and shelter within their church facilities.
  • A van has been purchased by SHALOM to transport those in need of shelter from a central location to the host church.
  • Guests have an opportunity to shower before dinner, and to relax after dinner in a safe warm environment.



Meals on Wheels – Southwest OH and Norther KY

  • Christ Church has partnered with Wesley Community Services by providing space to operate their “Meals on Wheels” program in Butler County and beyond.
  • They will have an office in the lower level of the building.



Salvation Army Food Pantry

  • The Salvation Army Food Pantry is an Emergency Food Pantry, which means they accept clients who are in dire need of food for their family on an emergency basis. It serves over 400 families monthly in the Middletown area. Our church supports the Salvation Army through its monthly collection of food/hygiene/cleaning items through our “Feed My Sheep” mission.
  • Our church’s average monthly collection is 300 pounds. Our record collection was 505 pounds in August 2012.
  • Our church provides Christmas baskets for 10-15 families; and Sunday school classes, choir, United Methodist Women and individual families provide Christmas presents for these families through the Salvation Army’s “Adopt A Family” program. The Christmas baskets (food/hygiene/cleaning items) along with the Christmas presents personally are delivered to each family.
  • Feed My Sheep grocery bags are distributed the fourth Sunday of each month for a return date to the church of the first Sunday of each month. These bags contain a list of suggested items for the Salvation Army Food Pantry.



Whiz Kids

  • Christ Church has partnered with the City Gospel Mission to provide space and tutors for their tutoring/mentoring for at risk elementary students.
  • Tutoring has the power to boost at-risk children’s academic scores, create strong readers and improve confidence.
  • Our volunteers become so much more than tutors. They become mentors, friends and positive role models that change the lives of children beyond the classroom.



World Mission


Goshorn Family Missionaries

  • Christ Church financially supports the Goshorn family, who are missionaries in Peru, through the Missionary Society in Atlanta, Georgia.
  • The Goshorn family has been in Peru over three months. They are learning their way around the area and learning the culture. Jennifer and Tim are taking tutoring classes to improve their Spanish. Their main purpose in their first year in Peru is to learn and to share Christ at the same time. They have had meetings with an orphanage and another church about doing some activities in the evenings. The following is an excerpt from their latest Newsletter

    “We were invited to a small house church in our neighborhood, which was great! “We felt so very welcomed. They made sure we didn’t leave hungry, even though we didn’t want to eat. They cooked everything on a dirt floor and we were worried we’d get sick, but we ate and the next day we all felt fine. We were also invited to a Pachamanca. This is a huge picnic where they dig a pit in the ground, build an igloo of rocks over the pit, and build a fire inside it. After about 2 hours, the rocks become very, very hot. They then take off the top of the igloo and start filling it with potatoes with a layer of hot rocks, then more vegetables and more hot rocks. On top of those rocks then come all kinds of meat, then more rocks. After all the food is in they cover everything with green growth from around the field, then a tarp and then it all gets a heavy layer of dirt to help insulate it. One hour later we uncovered everything and ate. It was very good!

  • *Note: Christ Church Missions Committee made a commitment to support this family several years ago after Tim and his wife and sons spoke during our Sunday morning worship services. Our commitment has been paid in full. The Goshorn family, consisting of parents, Tim and Jennifer, sons, Daniel and Matthew, and daughter, Katherine, have answered God’s call to be missionaries in Peru. This family originally from Alexandria, Kentucky, gave up all their belongings and sold their home in Kentucky, which had been in Tim’s family since the 1800’s and was the only home their three children had known to answer God’s call.



Love Packages

  • Love Packages located in Butler, Illinois is a Christian mission which distributes religious material to third world nations.
  • Literature can be used, outdated, etc. In other words, it may be excess literature from Sunday school classes, Bible study groups or individuals may have.
  • Our church periodically collects religious material for Love Packages.



McKenna Farms Therapy Services

  • Annually, Christ Church sends a missions team to serve at McKenna Farms Therapy Services.
  • McKenna Farms Therapy Services is a non-profit organization that provides therapy services to individuals with special needs in Northwest Georgia. They are dedicated to improving the quality of life for the children and families that they serve as well as being a resource for the local community.