
Reach Out means exactly that. Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:19 to, “Go”. Reach Out provides opportunities to be a part of servant evangelism. This is simply going out and doing organized random acts of kindness in and around our community. It our way of showing God’s love in practical ways.

We have several events during the year and want to encourage you to take advantage of moments outside of those events to spread God’s love in real, tangible ways. It’s truly a BIG DEAL here: The following are major events that happen on an annual basis: Holy-Day Events. There are 4 we offer to and for the community each year.

Trunk and Treat

  • On Halloween we offer “Trunk and Treat” which we hold on our campus.
  • It’s a great time for fellowship with free food, campfire; candy and personal healthcare item (given out); and Christ Cinema.

Christmas Extravaganza

  • The Saturday before Christmas we offer Christmas Extravaganza which includes photos with Santa Claus, refreshments, live music, and the “Putz”, a very unique Moravian tradition that tells the wondrous story of Christ’s birth from Isaiah’s announcement to the flight into Egypt.


Easter Egg Hunt

  • During Easter weekend we offer a community Easter Egg Hunt at a local park.
  • Last year 8,000 eggs filled with treats were given away along with prizes and games!